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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Napoleon Bonapart was a Ruthless Dictator

Napoleon Bonaparte was a ruthless dictator for many reasons, yes he was a genius if warfare, and yes he was the greatest ruler France has ever seen, but this is only because he was greedy and was willing to sacrifice anything to get a better position. Many people look at the things he did in a good fashion, he created and improved all education in France, but nobody thinks of what almost everyone became after school, soldiers. He made better education for children so he would have better soldiers which aren’t all bad but it was very greedy and it exhausted allot of much needed resources. another thing are all of victories in war, yes he revolutionized warfare but he did so at the cost of quite a few lives and the only battles he lost were the ones that mattered most, the war against Moscow was a fools choice and if he hadn't lost all those troops he would have remained a ruler for a very long time. His grudge against Britain clouded his judgment and if he had been a little more cautious and stopped the march on Moscow after the first hundred miles and retreated while his men were at full strength he would have had a massive army to defend against the Austrians and the Prussians. Another thing was how greedy he was for land, he gained a massive amount of land in the name of France and anyone who opposed him was crushed. another thing is he stuck with the same war tactics for too long, had he changed his battle styles after every war, the duke of wellington wouldn't have had the idea's and made the strategy that defeated napoleon. All in all he was a genius, and a good leader but his poor decisions were the ones that got him banished and completely destroyed.

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